Every now and again, we get asked to do some really fun things in the name of massage therapy. In this case, it was specific to sports massage for athletes and professional athletes. We treat a wide range of professional athletes at our location in NYC. We have worked with professional football players, basketball players, tennis players, boxers, skateboarders, and surfers. It does not hurt that we have some of the major venues just down the street or around the corner, and professional athletes are often flying in for events. It is no secret that many professional athletes utilize sports massage as part of their training.

We rarely brag about the professional athletes or famous people that walk through our doors, as our policy is to keep all treatment matters private, so we do not disclose who we see or when. That being said, you can still get known as ‘the place to go’ for certain things. During this year’s Super Bowl lead-up, I was asked to do a short live on-air spot-on sports massage, the weather and professional athletes. If you are curious about who I am, you can check out my profile here. In short, I am the owner of Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage and a spokesperson.
Fox News was so generous with their time and also with putting our pictures up in the segment. We had so much fun in the pre-interviews and on air that it just flew by. I am not a huge fan of cameras, but I really like talking to people as teaching and interviewing is part of my job.
With that being said, if you care to watch our Fox News spot for the Superbowl on Sports Massage and the Weather, here it is!
We want to thank Fox News Weather for making this possible and having such a great support team. If you are interested in what other press we have done, you can head on over to our Press page to take a peek. If you are a professional, semi-professional, or weekend warrior looking for sports massage, please check out our Massage Therapist profiles to see who might best suit you!