Sports Massage LMT Interview – Crystal

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

Crystal Massage TherapistFor each of our Massage Therapists, we do a little interview when we hire them so that everyone can get to know them better and see a little about why they got into the Sports/Medical Massage field.

This month we are focusing on our Medical/Sports massage therapist Crystal and her massage therapy skills.

What is your background in sports? Have you ever trained or participated in a sports program? 

Yep, I ran track in both middle school and high school so I am familiar with training programs and running.

Can you share an experience that you have had in the past that has changed or impacted they way you work with massage as a tool today?

I once worked with a professional body builder who wanted an entire 90 minute massage session on his injured shoulder, it ended up being the most informative fun session I have ever had.

How did you get into Sports and Medical Massage Therapy

I have been fascinated in the study of the body ever since I visited an Orthopedic Doctor for a knee injury I had when I was running track. I found the process very interesting.

What are your favorite kinds of people to massage?

Anyone who uses their body for a living, I have worked with many pro and semi pro athletes. I like how tuned into their bodies they are.

Okay, give us an odd ball fact about yourself, something we do not know about you but we should.

I have a horrible sense of direction.

And last but not least, if you could have any super power, what would it be?

Oh my super power would totally be extreme strength and agility!

And that sums up our ‘get to know you’ sports massage interview. If you want to learn more about Crystal or her massage therapy you can head over to our Massage Specialists profile page or book an appointment with her on our booking site.


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A massage therapist giving a massage to a patient who is face up and having his leg stretched. She is in blue scrubs and he is in white sheets



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A massage therapist giving a massage to a patient who is face up and having his leg stretched. She is in blue scrubs and he is in white sheets