Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

The Role of Massage Therapy in Managing Anxiety and Depression

Chaz edward - Thursday August 8, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health challenges like anxiety and depression are increasingly common. Traditional treatments such as medication and therapy play a crucial role in managing these conditions, but adding in complementary therapies such as massage therapy can support your heath care and amplify it. This blog explores how regular massage sessions can help […]

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Massage for Plantar Fascia

Plantar Fasciitis and Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday July 13, 2021

Many years ago – in what seems like the Dark Ages, I was in school to become a registered massage therapist (RMT) in Ontario, Cananada and was taught a standard massage treatment for plantar fasciitis and runners.  The massage therapy mostly focused on the foot. It involved stretching the plantar aspect of the client’s foot […]

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Massage Therapy and Pain (Continued)

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday March 31, 2015

Massage Therapy and Pain Working with Clients in the Pain Zone This is a continuation of the last pain blog which offered some history on pain science and also some really general guidelines on massage therapy and pain. If your client has no red flags in assessment and you have decided it is safe to […]

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