Learn how massage can improve your life
Being Simple For Your Consent For Massage Is A Best Practice That Will Take You Far… One of the things I believe is really important in health care, for a number of reasons, is that consent not only must be given, but given in a way that clients understand what they are agreeing to. All […]
How do you know you know what you know? Massage Mythology Let’s examine massage mythology. As therapists, every time we perform our techniques, we also engage in a variety of other ritualistic and protocol-oriented tasks. For example, the client comes into the space, they lay down on the table, you dim the lights, you […]
Massage in New York: Doors open to a Dangerous Act Getting a massage in New York might be one of the more dangerous things you do with your life. Coming out of the Ontario massage program where massage is firmly entrenched as a full health care position that requires 2200 hours of schooling, I was, and continue […]
Massage In NYC Part One- My story This blog likely will not win me any friends, but it’s time to discuss what’s wrong with massage in NYC. Before we can do that, however, we need to discuss my journey and why I feel comfortable saying New York, with one of the highest standards of practice […]
Getting a Prenatal Massage in NYC? Here are the top 5 things pregnant working women in New York need to know! New York City is a fantastic place, full of energy. There is a reason we call it the city that never sleeps! But that same energy may not be so amazing for New York’s […]
Massage therapy and Science Based Massage Well after being so serious I just could not take it any more and this happened. At my clinic we are science based, we are all well educated massage professionals who believe in massage therapy as a science rather than as a fantasy of our own making. In […]
Massage Therapy and Pain Working with Clients in the Pain Zone This is a continuation of the last pain blog which offered some history on pain science and also some really general guidelines on massage therapy and pain. If your client has no red flags in assessment and you have decided it is safe to […]
Massage Therapy and Pain, What Does it All Mean? Massage therapists live in a world of touch. So it is no surprise that the new science that relates to how touch, sensation and pain is processed and experienced would be relevant to massage therapists. This is particularly true since many clients seek out massage therapy […]
When I lived in Ontario, it always gave me a chuckle that, if I wanted to buy beer, I had to go to a place called the “Beer Store”. At the store you walk in and order your beer, sight unseen, from the cash register, which means as a customer you have to know what […]
What the heck are we doing with Orthopedic Massage? So this post is inspired by my frustration at some of the myths that perpetrate the massage industry through poor education, misinformation, poor training and subsequently are passed on to the general public. Orthopedic Massage is a science-based practice based largely on evidence. While our understanding […]