Learn how massage can improve your life
Would you like to see a little bit about what we do and what we stand for? check out this video and you can get a good idea about who we are. P.S. We look forward to meeting you!
Hi and welcome to Body Mechanics Massage New York. Every one has to start some where and this is what we looked like before we opened. Actually, we had been looking for a space for over a year and a half before we settled on the Grand Central location. Turns out shopping for a massage […]
Why New Yorkers should give up their chairs to pregnant people. Pregnant New Yorkers face an array of challenges that pregnant people in other parts of the country don’t ever have to deal with. One of them is dealing with the subway day in and day out. The subway can be a hugely stressful event […]
(update: We no longer agree with the idea that your posture is bad for you…hey, science changes! But we are keeping this up here to prove that point) Feel like you have a noose around your neck at the office? Feel like the stress is killing you? That might be exactly the message you’re […]
Today in the Metro there was a brief article about the Mayoral transition, that cited Bloomberg as warning that the next mayor needs to control pensions and health care costs for city workers, or risk pushing the Big Apple towards insolvency like Detroit. What do you ask does this have to do with massage therapy? […]